This post might interest people who are doing a lot of online purchases from the US based retailers.Most of the times when you do an online purchase with an US based retailer the seller doesn't take the responsibility to ship the product to places other than US.Even,if they are ready to ship the product they usually charge a lot.Personally i too experienced this problem when i purchased some electronic goods online.Luckily,this is not a big problem anymore now i have found a solution to this problem and i want to share it here. an US based package forwarding company which comes up with a solution to this problem. There system is very simple and is easily adaptable all you have to do is forward your package from the retailer to their company in US and they will do the shipments to your address."Sound's very simple right??"They are in this business over along period of time since 1997 and they have their own reputation.So you no longer need to reside in the US to buy things from US retailers.With you can do your overseas shipments from US very easily.Check out website to know more about them and to avail their service.!!!Happy shopping online!!!!
luxury villas
14 years ago